via RT jerry gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> there have been questions lately about the use of the 'new_pad' op.
> will coleda provided a failing example, which i've included below.
> upon investigating, i found no tests for new_pad. furthermore, i found
> no documentation for new_pad in order to start writing tests. so,
> before tests can be written, the documentation needs to be found or
> written.
> here's the failing code snippet:

And here's a simpler snippet that displays the same failure:

.sub _main :main
  .local pmc pir
  pir = compreg "PIR"

  new_pad 0

$S0 = <<"END_PIR"
.sub a
  $P1 = find_lex 1, '$a'
  $P2 = pir($S0) # using find_name to get the the PMC for a makes it work
  store_global "b", $P2


.sub c
  new_pad -1
  b() # changing this to a() also makes it work

matt diephouse

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