On 10/26/05, Rob Kinyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What about:
>     class Foo is also {
>         method foo() { ... }
>     }
> Where the second foo() is no longer what the first foo() did.

Just overwrite the vtable.

> Furthermore, let's say you have:
>     class Bar isa Foo {
>         method floober() { ... }
>     }
> If they were roles, then role Bar could alias all the methods it
> inherits from role Foo. In other words, it can cache all the method
> lookups at compile-time. That's a substantial savings. If they're open
> classes, the runtime has to throw out all the cached lookups the
> moment any of the classes upstream are modified.

This one is a little better.  It is expensive to rejig all the cached
methods, but that expense comes at the time when you reopen.  If you
never reopen, you never pay a penalty.

> Plus, the argument is a straw man. Instead of:
>     class Some::Class is also {
>     }
> you would do:
>     class My::Version {
>         does Some::Class;
>     }
> Problem solved.

Unless your module is the one creating the Some::Classes, or unless
(as you point out above) there are existing subclasses of Some::Class,
or unless some other thing that you didn't think of, which is the
whole point of this discussion.  There is no omniscient library
writer; there is no omniscient language designer.  :-)


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