don't worry, you can stop rolling your eyes and wondering "what's this
jerk gonna rant about?" this isn't another 'foo considered harmful'
essay. if it were, i would have instead opened it with something
pithy, like "while some developers have fixed parrot's bugs, others
have added new ones." instead, i'll just get to my points.

parrot has too few tests. in recent times, the normal build cycle has
more often than not included the message 'All tests successful' at the
end of 'make test'. that, in itself isn't bad, if it's accompanied
with a message like ' (1 subtest UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED).' but in
parrot development, this is rarely the case. surely parrot needs more
tests. although major portions of parrot remain unspecified and
therefore untestable, existing parts of parrot are only partially
tested (as evidenced by the almost daily discovery of bugs by HLL
designers and other parrot users.) there need to be more tests,
including TODO tests for unimplemented and non-working bits.

i've discovered that i like adding tests. it's something that i feel
confident that i can contribute without making too much of a mess, and
the results are immediately visible when 'make test' is run on any
platform. writing tests is a task that's always been offered as
low-hanging fruit for the willing. i've written a few in the past,
here and there, but now i've added quite a number in the past week,
and have gotten enough positive feedback that i'm encouraged to do

parrot development should be more 'test-conscious'. i'm not saying
'test-driven', that doesn't work for all people (although my personal
development style is trending toward that method.) i am saying that
when implementing a new widget, whenever possible, tests should be
written that cover the widget's basic behavior, edge cases, as well as
invalid input. if those tests can't be written, for any reason, try to
make a comment in the test file to that effect. and, if you can, add a
TODO ticket with a short summary of what needs to be done. then others
can more easily pick up a small task that somebody else left behind.

we're missing some parts of a testing framework. we don't have the
ability to write test files in PIR, so we're dependent on a perl
install for testing. perl's a great language for writing tests anyway,
and right now we're dependent on perl for parrot's configure and build
as well. that said, breaking this dependency will make parrot just a
bit closer to standing on its own. we're also missing other fancy
things like test coverage analysis tools, etc, but these things are
not necessary at this stage of test development.

there are certain components that require more testing than others at
this point. string related functions like escaping still have bugs to
be worked out, as do the unicode-related charset and encoding
functions. PGE is in need of comprehensive tests, as it's development
is active and it's userbase is growing. tests for the parrot ops are
incomplete... not all edge cases, invalid input, etc is tested for
each op. libraries (pcre, etc) can use more tests, too. of course,
there's more, but those are what i see as the most critical.

i'm directing my testing efforts firstly at PGE. i'm using S05 / A05
as a reference to develop a comprehensive test suite (including many,
many TODO tests.) i see this as a great opportunity not just to
improve PGE, but for me to further my understanding of the new and
complex perl6 rules syntax. i see no better way to learn it than to
systematically test every part.

lastly, i'd like to encourage others to join me in adding tests to
parrot. parrot tests have been submitted by a large number of
developers already, and the suite continues to grow. but your help can
make parrot more reliable, maintainable, and better understood by all.


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