On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 01:45:10AM -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

> but I'm not a fan of writing the $S0 variables -- they seem to distract
> the code.  I may just go with something like
>     code .=    "    lastpos = length target"
>     code .=    "    gpad = new PerlArray"
>     code .=    "    rcache = new PerlHash"
>     code .=    "    captscope = mob"
>     emit(code, "    bsr %s", label)
> which at least changes the first four to be parrot ops instead
> of function calls for each.
> Any other thoughts or suggestions?  

If this is the code that you're generating, what stops your code generator
from doing the concatenation itself, and generating an "unreadably" long

Nicholas Clark

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