Doug McNutt wrote:
> As for complex operations which have multiple results I think a principle
> value approach makes more sense than a list. It's well established for the
> inverse trigonometric functions. Leave RootOf( ) to Maple and Mathematica.

In the hypothetical module that I'm describing, the principle value
approach _would_ be used - in scalar context.  The only time the "list
of all possible results" approach would be used would be if you use
list context.  If you have no need of the list feature, then you don't
have to use it.

I believe that what I have outlined is a reasonable approach to
handling complex numbers.  It may or may not be the best way to do so
(and I suspect that it isn't), but that isn't really the point.  The
point is that it _is_ reasonable, and I'd like to see how well Perl 6
handles it.

Michele Dondi wrote:
> I must say that I didn't follow the discussion very much. But this makes
> me think of this too: the two representations are handy for different
> calculations. It would be nice if they somehow declared what they can do
> better (or at all) and have the "union" take care of which one's methods
> to use.

That's one of the points I had in mind.  Rectilinear coordinates are
useful for addition and subtraction, while polar coordinates fare
better for multiplication, division, powers, logs, trigonometric
functions, and hyperbolic functions.  So define addition and
subtraction for the rectilinear coordinate system and define the
remaining operations for the polar coordinate system.

The problem is that the two coordinate systems don't just differ in
terms of which methods they make available; they also differ in terms
of how they represent the value that they represent.  So if you want
to multiply two complex numbers that were defined using rectilinear
coordinates, you'd need to transform them to polar coordinates first,
and then multiply those numbers.  Phrased in terms of roles, the
rectilinear role would have $.x and $.y attributes (which its methods
would use), while the polar role would have $.magnitude and
$.direction attributes (which _its_ methods would use).  That's two
sets of attributes which contain identical data in vastly different
formats; simply having one class or role do both of these roles would
result in extra memory usage (as both sets of attributes would need
storage allocated to them), not to mention the likelihood that the two
sets of attributes may end up getting out of synch with each other.

What I'm looking at is a way to declare that the two roles are
different representatives of the same thing.  Memory would be
allocated to exactly one set of attributes at a time, and
transformations between the different sets would be called whenever
you change the underlying representation of the data.  In the former
regard, this would be much like C's union; but it would differ from
them in that it would be designed to preserve the logical value (what
the data represents) rather than the physical value (the sequence of
bits in memory).

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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