On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 02:05:31PM -0500, Rob Kinyon wrote:
: This is very close to a proposal I made to the ruby-dev mailing list
: (which was Warnocked). I proposed a very basic engine that would work
: with the parser/lexer to determine what action to take instead of
: using the huge case statements that are the heart of both P5 and Ruby.
: It would look something like:
: while ( my $token = get_next_token(<params>) ) {
:     for my $length ( reverse length($token) .. 1 ) {
:         if ( my $actions = find_actions( substr( $token, 0, $length ) ) ) {
:             $action->[-1]->( < params, if necessary > );
:         }
:         next TOKEN;
:     }
:     throw SyntaxError;
: }
: The for-loop + substr() would be to handle longest-token-first rules.
: So, "..." is correctly recognized instead of handled as ".." and ".".
: The key would be that the $actions arrayref would get push'ed/pop'ed
: as you enter/leave a given lexical scope.
: Obviously, this could be optimized to an extremely large degree, but
: it -should- work.

Let's see, where did I put my stash of generic quotes?  Ah, there is is.

    "Those who do not understand XXX are doomed to reinvent it, poorly."
        ~~ s/XXX/the Perl 6 grammar engine/;

In particular, you've just reinvented the magic hash semantics mandated
by P6 rules, except that P6 has some hope of optimizing the lookups
to a cached trie or whatever.


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