On Tue, 2005-11-22 at 22:42 -0500, Will Coleda wrote:
> >   .HLL "foo", ""      # or "foo_group" - load dynamic PMCs too
> >   .HLL_map .LexPad -> .DynLexPad           # (2)
> >
> I'd like to provide an easy way to provide this mapping for language  
> developers so the users of the language don't have to remember to add  
> the second line whenever they use, e.g. Tcl...
> Seems like the cleanest thing to do is add a subclass for DynLexPad  
> (with no overrides) and map it in the PMC definition to LexPad.

Why bother with an artifical subclass? You could choose an arbitrary
Tcl PMC and do the mapping of DynLexPad to LexPad in the class_init
of that arbitrary PMC.

You wouldn't need another 'pmclass' keyword if you call

Roger Browne

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