it seems punie's using way too much memory. in fact, it's running out
of memory on my 512MB system, and peaks at 480MB usage during PAST
generation on my machine with 1.5GB. these are win32, using msvc, and
the command i ran was

D:\usr\local\parrot\trunk\languages\punie>..\..\parrot punie2.pir demo.p1

AST tree dump:
<PAST::Stmts> => {
'source' => 'print 1;
'pos' => '0',
'children' => [
<PAST::Stmt> => {
'source' => 'print 1;
'pos' => '0',
'children' => [
<PAST::Exp> => {
'source' => 'print 1',
'pos' => '0',
'children' => [

it seems to get stuck here for quite a while (well over two minutes)
and afterwards memory usage lessens to ~40MB. when the OST tree dump
starts, memory again peaks at ~680MB and drops back down to about
30MB. overall, this demo takes over ten minutes to run, and does
finish (on the system with more memory.)

i'm afraid adding tracing info will bring either system to its knees.
perhaps there's some other way for me to help debug?

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