Dear Perl6 Language,

I am Perl user from near year 0.  For me the easiest way to learn (,
track, and get to the point of contributing to) Perl6 would be a Perl
grammar (a regex rule set in, preferably, Perl6) that transforms any
Perl5 script into a Perl6.  Of couse, besides learning Perl6 for a
regex'r or Perl5'r such as myself, and tracking, and documenting 6, it
would have huge use for Perl5 users making or considering the

For example one can infer the structure and some of the rules from   which is
however written out in informal (not regex) rules such as $array[idx] ->

Is there such a Perl5->Perl6 translator underway?

Peter Schwenn

p.s. I'm not yet up to originating a good one, but believe I could make
contributions in extending and checking it.

p.s. A Perl5 starting point might be better since running it on itself
would provide and initiate at least 2 major test modes.

p.s. The developing form of such a grammar could likely lead to
a grammar package which facilitates rule sets for languages in
other domains, in terms of illuminating means of choosing among modes
for rule ordering, collecting, scoping, re-application, recursion, exclusion and so forth.

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