Leopold Toetsch:
> Dr.Ruud:
>> Roger Browne:

>>> Unfortunately I could only get to Ack(3, 6) before parrot aborted
>>> with "maximum recursion depth exceeded", at recursion depth 1000.
>> Alternative: use Memoize;
> Sure. And there is a (inline) memoized perl Ack already, which is one
> of the fastest of all tests submitted.
> The goal of these benchmarks is to run 'as is' with the same
> algorithm.

Define "the same algorithm".
(Some language could memoize when it is not explicitly told so.)

If there would be a "volatile" attribute for sub, to define that the sub
is non-memoizable (or that its runs are not cacheable), than the
'algorithm' would not need the "use Memoize" and "memoize('ack')" lines.

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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