Matt Diephouse wrote:

> So what am I supposed to do? It appears that using `null` to mark
> deleted/undefined variables won't work. But it's not clear to me that
> using a Null PMC is a good idea...

Here's one possibility: you can use one of the PObj_private PMC flags to
store the defined/undefined status of each variable. Then override the
'defined' vtable entry to examine this bit. Then use the 'defined'
opcode to test the defined-ness of any TCL PMC. Or, your other vtable
entries can read this bit themselves and you may not need to test it
from the PIR.

It seems to me that's what the 'defined' opcode is supposed to be for.
But I haven't done it this way myself so I might be talking through my
hat here.

Roger Browne

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