The mandelbrot benchmark looked like it'd be an easy one to implement,
and lo and behold, it was! I haven't optimized this at all really, but
it seems to run fairly quickly anyhow.

 -- Peter Baylies
=head1 NAME

examples/shootout/mandelbrot.pir - Print the Mandelbrot set


    % ./parrot examples/shootout/mandelbrot.pir 200 > out.pbm


This outputs a pbm file of the Mandelbrot set. Defaults to 200x200.

Translated from C code by Greg Buchholz into PIR
by Peter Baylies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

The C code is:
/* The Great Computer Language Shootout
   contributed by Greg Buchholz
   compile:  gcc -O2 -o mandelbrot mandelbrot.c
   run:      mandelbrot 200 > out.pbm


int main (int argc, char **argv)
    int w, h, x, y, bit_num = 0;
    char byte_acc = 0;
    int i, iter = 50;
    double limit = 2.0;
    double Zr, Zi, Cr, Ci, Tr, Ti;

    w = atoi(argv[1]);
    h = w;

    printf("P4\n%d %d\n",w,h);

            Zr = 0.0; Zi = 0.0;
            Cr = (2*(double)x/w - 1.5); Ci=(2*(double)y/h - 1);

            for (i=0;i<iter;i++)
                Tr = Zr*Zr - Zi*Zi + Cr;
                Ti = 2*Zr*Zi + Ci;
                Zr = Tr; Zi = Ti;
                if (Zr*Zr+Zi*Zi > limit*limit)

            if(Zr*Zr+Zi*Zi > limit*limit)
                byte_acc = (byte_acc << 1) | 0x00;
                byte_acc = (byte_acc << 1) | 0x01;


            if(bit_num == 8)
                byte_acc = 0;
                bit_num = 0;
            else if(x == w-1)
                byte_acc = byte_acc << (8-w%8);
                byte_acc = 0;
                bit_num = 0;




.sub 'main' :main
	.param pmc argv
#    int w, h, x, y, bit_num = 0;
#    char byte_acc = 0;
#    int i, iter = 50;
#    double limit = 2.0;
#    double Zr, Zi, Cr, Ci, Tr, Ti;
	.local int    w, h, x, y, bit_num, byte_acc, i, iter
	.local num    limit, Zr, Zi, Cr, Ci, Tr, Ti
	.sym int argc
	bit_num = 0
	byte_acc = 0
	iter = 50
	limit = 2.0
#	slight optimization here -- nothing a decent C compiler wouldn't already do :)
	limit = limit * limit
	argc = argv
	w = 200
	if argc <= 1 goto noarg
#	w = atoi(argv[1]);
	$S0 = argv[1]
	w = $S0
#	h = w
noarg:	h = w
#	printf("P4\n%d %d\n",w,h);
	print "P4\n"
	print w
	print " "
	print h
	print "\n"
	y = 0
        x = 0
#       Zr = 0.0; Zi = 0.0;
	Zr = 0.0
	Zi = 0.0
#       Cr = (2*(double)x/w - 1.5);
	Cr = x
	Cr /= w
	Cr *= 2	
	Cr -= 1.5
#	Ci=(2*(double)y/h - 1);
	Ci = y
	Ci /= h
	Ci *= 2
	Ci -= 1

	i = 0
#	Tr = Zr*Zr - Zi*Zi + Cr;
        $N1 = Zr * Zr
        $N2 = Zi * Zi
        Tr = $N1 - $N2
        Tr += Cr
#       Ti = 2*Zr*Zi + Ci;
        Ti = 2
	Ti *= Zr
        Ti *= Zi
        Ti += Ci
#	Zr = Tr; Zi = Ti;
	Zr = Tr
	Zi = Ti
#	if (Zr*Zr+Zi*Zi > limit*limit) break;
#	$N1 = Zr * Zr
#	$N2 = Zi * Zi
        $N1 += $N2
        if $N1 > limit goto IBRK
	inc i
        if i < iter goto IREDO
	byte_acc <<= 1
        if $N1 <= limit goto SLA
	byte_acc |= 0
	goto SLE
SLA:	byte_acc |= 1
SLE:	inc bit_num
	if bit_num != 8 goto NTST1
PRINT:	chr $S1, byte_acc
	print $S1
	byte_acc = 0
	bit_num = 0
	goto NTSTE
NTST1:	$I1 = w
	dec $I1
	goto NTSTE
	if x != $I1 goto NTSTE
	$I1 = w
	$I1 %= 8
	$I1 = 8 - $I1
	byte_acc <<= $I1
	goto PRINT
	inc x
        if x < w goto XREDO

        inc y
        if y < h goto YREDO

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