We were struggling with some memory corruption seen mainly in tcl [1] since quite a time.

I think, I've found it now, thanks to an example Matt has pasted this morning.

The reason is:
- there is a hard limit of 256 macros
- this was marked with XXX but *not checked*
- each .include 'foo' with macros inside does *append* to the macro list and worse:
- even if the macro already exists, it's just appended
- the list of macros is AFAIK never cleared

For now I've put in a check for this limit and throw an internal_exception, if necessary (r10568).

Before putting further effort into that macro stuff I'd rather have clarified:
- what is the scope of macros
- shouldn't we have an external macro pre-processor

Compiler writers can currently work around by:
.include 'file with .const <type> = ..'   always
.include 'file with .constant'.pasm       once
.include 'file with .macro'               once

(yes that is a mess)


[1] guess which tcl tests are failing now - yes:

cmd_break.t      1-2
cmd_continue.t   1-2

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