Perhaps the svnclobber target should just invoke `svn revert -R .`?


On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 08:09:45AM -0800, Alberto Simoes wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Alberto Simoes 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #37969]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: >
> Basically, done:
>    $ svn up
>    At revision 10568.
>    $ make svnclobber
>    perl "-MExtUtils::Manifest=filecheck" -le 'sub
>    ExtUtils::Manifest::_maniskip{sub{0}};$ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet=1; do
>    { unlink $_ unless $_ =~ m!(?:\.svn)! } for filecheck()'
>    $ svn up
>    Restored 'debian/parrot-doc.install'
>    Restored 'debian/libparrot-dev.install'
>    Restored 'debian/compat'
>    Restored 'debian/libparrot.install'
>    Restored 'debian/'
>    Restored 'debian/changelog'
>    Restored 'debian/libparrot-dev.lintian-overrides'
>    Restored 'debian/copyright'
>    Restored 'debian/rules'
>    Restored 'debian/parrot.install'
>    Restored 'debian/'
>    At revision 10568.
> -- 
> Alberto Sim??es - Departamento de Inform??tica - Universidade do Minho
>                   Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal

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