This looks like consequence of r10458, is still present in r10568,
and is easy to reproduce:

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]> cat load-test.pir
        .sub _main :main
                .local string file_name
                file_name = iso-8859-1:"foo.pbc"
                load_bytecode file_name
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]> ./parrot load-test.pir
        Cross-charset index not supported

It's easy enough for me to work around, because I don't need ISO-8859-1
file names, but shouldn't load_bytecode be a bit more liberal?  I could
probably hack something together along those lines, but it might be
better have a solution that takes account of what charset(s) the OS
would insist upon for file names, true?

   The other mystery is that I still don't know why I'm generating
ISO-8859-1 strings in the first place.  Could it be picking this up from
the source file of the code that builds the string?  If so, how?  And
why -- the code looks like plain ASCII to me (and to emacs).


                                        -- Bob Rogers

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