On Dec 25, 2005, at 23:48, Steve Gunnell wrote:

Hi People,

When you use $P0 = compreg, "PIR" is there any way to get an optimizing
compiler ( or not ) or do you always get a version that follows the
flags that were passed to Parrot?

Currently you can't pass any more arguments (like runcore or debug flags), these are just inherited from commandline. This will be extended to a more flexible compiler invocation in the future. Proposals welcome, I presume it boils down to some named argument passing extension.

Is there any implementation of the Perl pack/unpack functions planned or
should we be using the Struct PMC?

There are currently 2 experimental features to attack this direction:
* :immediate subroutines that return a PMC result
  see e.g. t/pmc/string_36.pir or examples/shootout/revcomp.pir
* using Eval.get_string to get a stringish representation aka packfile of an Eval PMC
  see e.g. t/pmc/eval_15.pir ff

When using the Read/Readline opcodes how do we specify what encoding is
to be assumed for the incoming string?

There is one output encoding filter currently:

  pout = getstdout
  push pout, 'utf8'

The same should work with an import filter, that is a (TODO) read method implemented in src/io/io_utf8.c or similar.
Patches welcome.

Thanks and Merry Christmas,

Steve Gunnell

Weleome, Happy patching & ;-)

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