On 12/22/05, Michele Dondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Suppose I want to navigate a tree and print out info contained in each of
> its leaves along with info gathered from the position in the tree of the
> list itself? Can I do it in a "universal" manner as hinted above that
> would work for other situations as well?

In Ruby, each collection class that wishes to be iterated over mixes
in the Enumerable class. In a crude way, you can almost use that as
the definition of what makes an class a collection. All the class has
to provide is each(), which is a method that, according to the Ruby
book, "yields successive members of the collection." If the class
wishes to use the sorting items, then it has to provide a meaningful
spaceship operator.

each() (and a number of other methods) then takes a block that it
executes at every node.

As everything in Perl6 will be an object, I think we should be looking
at Ruby for possible solutions to this kind of problem. The Ruby way,
imho, would be to provide a set of "each()" methods that you can
choose to use, depending on how you wanted to iterate over the object.
The each() method you choose could maintain some kind of state about
where the element is in the collection. Or, and this would be my
preference, the elements should have the ability to return that state
when queried.

This implication here is that there should be an Enumerable role (or
set of roles) in Perl6 that provides this kind of capability. In
addition, there should probably be a useful set of base classes to do
things like Set, Bag, Tree, etc. Then, if I wanted to create a 3-2
tree which only takes values that is-a Floober and default to
iterating over it in level-order, I can do that in less than 20 lines
of code within a class. Then, I use that class when I want to use my
arbitrary data structure.

The further implication of this is that I don't think we will be using
AoHoAoHo... in applications anymore. In 1-off scripts, sure! But,
we'll have the infrastructure to create usable classes that abstract
away 90% of the complexity of our data structures, allowing us to
focus on the similarities in our code vs. the differences. Ruby takes
duck-typing to a religious mantra, which can be annoying, but it's
definitely very productive. Perl6 could do worse than copying that to
a large degree.

Of course, this doesn't work for arbitrary complex structures, but I
don't think anything would work for those.


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