Dear self,

I've since discovered the prior discussion of Pugs under Cygwin so I know there's probably not yet a simple answer but enough of a work around to go forward (building and using Pugs+Parrot+... under Cygwin.)

Peter Schwenn

Peter Schwenn wrote:

Under Cygwin (bash), while building PUGS, Pugs' Makefile.PL (one of its henchmen) needs an environment setting to say where a runnable 'ghc' can be found. I have GHC installed (in its .msi incarnation as required) in c:/cygwin/home/me/ghc

I tried:

setenv GHC=/home/me/ghc/bin     (where the full ghc.exe is)

Could someone give me an example of the ghc environment variable setting for pugs building that they have used under Cygwin (or minGW or bare GCC.)?

Thanks much, PeterS

p.s. I also tried every variation I could think of, of quoting, \/, and /home/ghc/bin, C:\cygwin\home\me\ghc\bin, /cygdrive/c/home/me/ghc/bin, ${HOME}/ghc/bin, and truncating ...ghc/bin to ...ghc without any luck. I also built GHC as a linux app under Cygwin instead of via .msi. Nothing.

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