On 12/28/05, Sastry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I tried building parrot on  Linux 2.4.20 and I get the following error
> during gmake process. I have  the default perl-5.8.6 built on my
> system. Can anybody suggest me what this error is and how to overcome
> this?
[snip extra build error info]

> /usr/local/bin/perl -e 'chdir shift @ARGV; system q{gmake}, @ARGV;
> exit $? >> 8;' dynclasses
> gmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/sastry/parrot-0.4.0/dynclasses'
> /usr/local/bin/perl /home/sastry/parrot-0.4.0/build_tools/pmc2c.pl
> --dump gdbmhash.pmc
> Can't write 'classes/default.dump': No such file or directory at
> /home/sastry/parrot-0.4.0/build_tools/pmc2c.pl line 687.
> pmc2c dump failed (512)
> gmake[1]: *** [all] Error 2
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/sastry/parrot-0.4.0/dynclasses'
> gmake: *** [dynclasses.dummy] Error 2
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] parrot-0.4.0]$
i assume you have the 0.4.0 release tarball. i don't know why it's not
working with that configuration, sorry--perhaps there's somebody with
linux and gmake that can chime in. in the meantime, perhaps an updated
tarball, or a fresh checkout from svn will prove successful. see
http://www.parrotcode.org/source.html for instructions on downloading

hope that helps.

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