On 28 Dec 2005, at 16:36, Javier Amor Garcia wrote:

  i am testing a  module for a web application and i need to test the
expiration of sessions. The problem is that i can not modify the
expiration time and i not want to make sleep the test for the full
length of expiration time (a hour).
Can anyone give me pointers or advice about how to perform this type of

What I would do would be to isolate all the bits of code that poke at real time functions. For example I could imagine the only place where I actually call time being:

sub is_expired {
    my $self = shift;
    return ( $self->time_created + $self->session_length ) <= time;

then I can test everything except is_expired() by simple symbol table munging:

        local *MySessionClass::is_expired = sub { return 1 };
        ... test stuff that assumes session expired ...

        local *MySessionClass::is_expired = sub { return };
        ... test stuff that assumes session valid ...

and I can test is_expired() by overwriting time explicitly - with the rather useful Test::MockTime.

use Test::More tests => 4;
use Test::MockTime;

BEGIN { use_ok 'MySessionClass' };

my $s = MySessionClass->new( session_length => 10, time_created => 1234 );

Test::MockTime::set_fixed_time( 1234 );
ok( ! $s->is_expired, 'not expired at creation time' );

Test::MockTime::set_fixed_time( 1243 );
ok( ! $s->is_expired, 'not expired on session_length seconds' );

Test::MockTime::set_fixed_time( 1244 );
ok( $s->is_expired, 'is expired after session_length seconds' );

Hope this helps.


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