In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    Joshua Hoblitt writes:

: It looks like it was just a missing curly brace.  Fix commited as
: r10699.  Thanks for reporting.


In my defense, yes, I did try the obvious fix. Looking at the diff,
I must've added the curly after C<1;>.  The quiet from my wife and
kids visiting my mother-in-law must be too distracting! :-)

After svn up and Nick's nullification of the dynclasses Makefile, I

Failed Test            Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/dynclass/dynlexpad.t    6  1536     6    6 100.00%  1-6
t/dynclass/foo.t          8  2048     9    8  88.89%  1-5 7-9
t/dynclass/gdbmhash.t    13  3328    13   13 100.00%  1-13
t/op/trans.t              1   256    19    1   5.26%  13
7 tests and 702 subtests skipped.
Failed 4/189 test scripts, 97.88% okay. 28/4581 subtests failed, 99.39% okay.
make: *** [test] Error 14


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