On 12/30/05, Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stuart Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On 29/12/05, Austin Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> So, is there a conceptual connection between imposing named argument
> >> interpretation on pairs in an arg list and slurping up the end of a
> >> parameter list?  Are there other meanings of prefix:<*> that relate to
> >> one or the other of these two meanings?
> >
> > The missing link is that prefix:<*> in an argument list also causes
> > things like arrays to be treated as a sequence of separate parameters,
> > rather than as a single array parameter.  See "Flattening argument
> > lists" in S06.
> >
> > (This was the original meaning of prefix:<*> in arglists; the
> > named-pair behaviour was added later, when pair values ceased to have
> > named behaviour automatically.)
> Personally, I think that prefix * in an arglist should only flatten
> array arguments if there is only one array. And if it doesn't, how do
> I declare parameter that is 'a slurpy list of arrays' or 'the rest
> of the arguments, without flattening'. If I *really* want aggressive
> flattening then I can call, say, @slurpy_param.flatten

Does this imply that [EMAIL PROTECTED] === @slurpy.flatten ?

Or, put another way, can't we just say that prefixed * is symbolic
notation for flatten() in the same way that postfixed [] is symbolic
notation for slice()?


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