At 17:39 10/01/2006 +0100, Klaas-Jan Stol wrote:

As you know, I've been playing with Lua for some time now, and my attempt to write a Lua compiler targetting Parrot has not been completely unsuccessful, but it was quite some work.

Anyway, at some point I realized that PIR looks very much like Lua bytecodes (which I had inspected at that time already). So, I thought it may be a nice project to write a Lua2PIR translator, which takes a binary Lua file (compiled with the Lua compiler, so you'll need to get Lua (to be found at

If you are interested, it can be found at

It works pretty good. It needs still many tests, in order to check if all special cases are covered, but quite complex examples do work already. Furthermore, the Lua PMCs have to be integrated, as it just uses the Parrot basic types (Float, String, Hash, etc). It's also nice to see what kind of code the Lua compiler should more or less be generating.

I've integrated lua2pir in languages/lua/t/harness (monkey too).
I obtain the following result :

$ cd languages && perl -I../lib -Ilua/t lua/t/harness --use-lua2pir

Failed Test         Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
lua\t\assign.t         4  1024     5    4  80.00%  1-4
lua\t\basic.t          8  2048     9    8  88.89%  1-7 9
lua\t\constructor.t    2   512     5    2  40.00%  2 5
lua\t\examples.t       1   256     3    1  33.33%  3
lua\t\expr.t           3   768     6    3  50.00%  4-6
lua\t\function.t       1   256     2    1  50.00%  2
lua\t\if.t             5  1280     5    5 100.00%  1-5
lua\t\math.t          23  5888    23   23 100.00%  1-23
lua\t\repeat.t         2   512     2    2 100.00%  1-2
lua\t\string.t         7  1792     7    7 100.00%  1-7
lua\t\tables.t         1   256     2    1  50.00%  1
lua\t\while.t          4  1024     4    4 100.00%  1-4
Failed 12/21 test scripts, 42.86% okay. 61/143 subtests failed, 57.34% okay.

Tests concerning the Lua Standard Libraries (basic, math, string) fail because lua2pir refers its own library.


NB: l2p & luac must be in your PATH, and lualib.pbc near parrot executable.

Kind regards,

Klaas-Jan Stol

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