On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 14:29 +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Proposal: Named Arguments...

Your proposal covers all the functionality that I need for Amber,

>     b = new .Integer
>     c = 3

I'm sure everyone realised, but just for the sake of completeness: the
first identifier above should be 'c'.

> - 'name' => var  is the same as:  var :named('name') 
>   (we can implement one of these or both)

Either syntax is fine for me. Might also want:
'name' => 'var'  -or-  'var' :named('name')
for cases where 'var' has the same name as a PIR keyword.

On Nov 30, Chip wrote:
> Leo, would you be so kind as to rescind the parameter passing error
> flags, and make mismatches always throw?  ...
> users can use :slurpy on an unused register to mean "extra params OK".

Any chance of making the above change first? Or at least making argument
count mismatch detection work with '.param'? (We're always being told
that compilers should emit PIR not PASM, and - although it's not a big
deal - I'll need a second pass through my argument lists to generate the
'get_params' version).

Roger Browne

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