On 1/13/06, Dave Whipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to work out if there's a clever perl6 way to write this using
> pattern matching:
>    for @*ARGV -> "-f", $filename {
>      $filename .= absolute_filename;
>    }

There is, but it's a different kind of pattern matching:

    if @*ARGV ~~ / <,> -f <,> (.*?) <,> / {
        $0 .= absolute_filename;

Of course, that only works if you're allowed to modify the source
through the $# variables.   I think you are, but I'm not certain.

This is a good example of how silly the current array matching
semantics are.  You'd get a match for this call, because of
"carelessness" in writing the rule.

    davesprog foo - f file

Because elements are implicitly concatenated together.  The "correct"
way to write the rule is:

    / <,> - <!,> f <,> (.*?) <,> /

Isn't that dumb?

Here's what I counterpropose:  matching against arrays treats each
element of the array as a single character.  <()>-assertions make the
current character their topic.  There is no <,>; it's implicit in the
character-element unification.  Here's the new regex:

    / <( $_ eq '-f' )>. (.) /

This method makes more sense for a list of tokens, too.

We could shuffle around the special assertions to give shorthands for
these presumably common constructs:

    <( ... )>.
    <( $_ eq ... )>.
    <( $_ ~~ /.../ )>.

The last one is the most important.  It allows you to connect regexes
on a stream to regexes on an element of the stream.  Possible
shorthands for those, respectively:

    <+( ... )>   # treating an assertion as a char class
    <'...'>      # hmm, already takes, maybe we could
                 # make a special case because it
                 # doesn't make much sense for
                 # nonstrings
    </.../>      # obvious

> Would this actually work, or would it stop at the first elem that
> doesn't match ("-f", ::Item)?

If by "stop" you mean "die", yes it would stop.

> Is there some way to associate alternate codeblocks for different
> patterns (i.e. local anonymous MMD)?

As Austin points out, that's called "given".  I'll also point out that
if we have lookahead in "for" (a feature that I think is best reserved
for third-party modules):

    for @*ARGV -> $cur, ?$next is rw {
        if $cur eq '-f' {
            $next .= absolute_filename;

Which isn't as slick as a pattern matching approach, but it gets the
job done without having to use indices.


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