
* Fixed the Lua PMCs to no longer use the now-deprecated Parrot_PMC_typenum, so it builds. Also tested out how Lua handles on Win32 - basically it builds but all the tests give something like this:-

lua\t\while...........NOK 2#     Failed test (lua\t\while.t at line 37)
# got: 'Can't locate object method "bsstr" via package "Math::BigFloat" (perhaps you forgot to load "Math::BigFloat"?) at languages/lua/Lua/build.pm line 79, <$__ANONIO__> line 1.
# Error reading source file languages/lua\t\while_2.pir.
# '
#     expected: 'one
# two
# three
# '
# 'perl -Ilanguages/lua languages/lua/luac.pl languages/lua\t\while_2.lua && .\parrot.exe languages/lua\t\while_2.pir' failed with exit code 7.

* m4 will now build on Win32. Get a 96% test rate.


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