Audrey Tang wrote:
> That seems to follow from the standard (ruby, ocaml, mzscheme currently
> does that), but some may also argue for NaN bothways (ghc, js) or an
> exception bothways (perl5, python).

Er, wait, ghc also raises an exception for (div 0 0), because it
distinguishes integer (div) with fractional (/).

However, I think one of P6's idea is that the user should not have
to care between 0 and 0.0's behaviours, so maybe it makes sense to
do the same thing (be it NaN or exception) both ways.

I'm not sure that IEEE 754/854 still applies if we want to merge the
behaviours of int/num/complex/bigint/bigrat/bignum under a Num banner.

(There is always the worse-is-better option of going with whatever
the underlying runtime does, usually determined by hardware/libm.)


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