Rob Kinyon skribis 2006-01-19  9:15 (-0500):
> OOP is all about black-box abstraction.

This is probably the fundament of our disagreement.

OO is about objects, which CAN BE but DO NOT HAVE TO BE

It is customary, and good style, to treat objects as black boxes, but
their actual implementation can differ, given proper abstraction.

> To that end, three items have been identified as being mostly
> necessary to achieve that:

I'd say these are extremely useful and highly desired, but theoretically

> P5 excels at #1, does #2 ok, and fails completely at #3. Now, one can
> argue whether the programmer should make the decision as to whether
> strong encapsulation is desirable, but the point is that you cannot
> create encapsulation in Perl that someone else cannot violate.

Neither can you in any language that lets you poke into its internals.
However, that means that the internals define a property of the
language, which I think is reversed logic.

> it seems silly (to me) to cripple P6 out of a misguided effort
> to maintain backwards compatibility with P5.

It's as useful as Inline::Java. That means different things to different
people. To me, it means I can re-use code more easily.


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