
I was doing some I18N of a bunch of existing CGI scripts and
encountered a problem.
I guess I'm making some very basic error, but I'm stuck with this for a
day and I thought
I may ask.  I have my strings in UTF-8.  I read most of them from file,
do some processing
and spit them out of the CGI-script.

Let say I do this:


Here, with "a" I mean cyrillic "a" (1'st letter of the cyrillic
alphabet), with "ya" - ciryllic "ya"
(last letter of the cyrillic alphabet). I don't want to post ciryllic
chars here - I don't know how
they will show, but you understand what I mean.

This doesn't work properly.  I suppose it should convert the characters
to uppercase, but
what happens is that some characters do not get converted to uppercase,
while other get
converted to wrong characters.

Another thing is that when I say "substr($cyrillicString,5,1)", the
character returned is
always invalid (shows as a white question on a black diamond).  All
other cyrillic strings,
that are not manipulated show properly.  The problem happens when I try
to get a character
from a string, to split it, things like this.

What am I doing wrong? If you reply RTFM, I'll understand and will not
complain... :-)

- Alex

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