On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 08:59:58AM -0500, David Golden wrote:
> Well, the more generalized problem is how to you signal to an automated 
> test that you're bailing out as N/A for whatever reason?  For Perl 
> itself, it's easy enough for the smoke test to check if the required 
> version of Perl is available -- and the smoke test is smart enough not 
> to try to install an updated version of Perl to satisfy the dependency. 
>  It bails out with N/A instead.
> What's a clean, generic mechanism for a distribution to signal "please 
> check this dependency and abort if it's not satisfied"?  Something in 
> the META.yml (e.g. Alien::*)?  Send a specific string to STDERR?  Send a 
> specific exit codes?  Ugh.  Other ideas?

For CPANPLUS (and thus YACSmoke) the distribution author can check the
OS from a list of known compatible OSs, and if it doesn't find it, bail
out with a "OS unsupported" message. See this slide [1] for a simple

[1] http://birmingham.pm.org/talks/barbie/cpan-ready/slide603.html

This has been in CPANPLUS for a while now. While the obvious
distributions of Win32:: and Linux:: may be OS specific, there are
others that are not so obvious from the name, which may support a number
of OSs, or might not support specific ones. 

The above exit mechanism provides an NA report to the CPAN testers. 


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