On 2/8/06, Adam Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > hi all :)
> >
> > there's a feature split I'm itching for in Test::Builder, etc - the
> > ability to call is() and have it emit TAP free from the confines of
> > plan().  not that I don't want to call plan() (or no_plan) but I want to
> > do that in a completely separate perl interpreter.  for example, I want
> > to do something that looks a bit like this
> >
> >   use Test::More tests => 1;
> >
> >   print qx!perl t/response.pl!;
> >
> > where response.pl makes a series of calls to is(), ok(), whatever.
> > while this may seem odd it's actually not - I'd like to be able to
> > plan() tests within a client *.t script but have the responses come from
> > one (or more) requests to any kind of server (httpd, smtp, whatever).
> >
> > currently in httpd land we can do this by calling plan() and is() from
> > within a single server-side perl script, but the limitation there is
> > that you can only do that once - if I want to test, say, keepalives I
> > can't have a single test script make multiple requests each with their
> > own plan() calls without things getting tripped up.
> >
> > so, I guess my question is whether the plan->is linkage can be broken in
> > Test::Builder/Test::Harness/wherever and still keep the bookkeeping in
> > tact so that the library behaves the same way for the bulk case.  or
> > maybe at least provide some option where calls to is() don't bork out
> > because there's no plan (and providing an option to Test::More where it
> > doesn't send a plan header).
> >
> > so, thoughts or ideas?  am I making any sense?
> >
> > --Geoff
> One of the problems is going to be numbering, surely?
> I've just started myself mucking around with some ideas where I wanted
> to fork off a server process and then test in BOTH halves of a
> connection at the same time. It sounds like something relatively similar
> to what you need to do.
> One of the things I didn't really like about generating fragments is you
> don't really get a chance to count each set, only the total (or worse,
> no plans at all).
> What I think might be a useful approach is being able to "merge"
> fragments to test output.
> So the lines from the external fragment would be parsed in, checked (in
> plan terms) and then re-emitted into the main test (which would have a
> plan totallying the whole group).

A long time ago, I suggested (and implemented) the idea of nested test
numbers. The idea being that your output looks like

1 # ok
2.1 # ok
2.2 # ok
2.3 # ok # ok

you get the idea the only rule would be that


must come before


in the output. Each block can have a plan if you like then you just
create a block for each process/thread that will emit test results.
I've a feeling that Test::Harness would barf on the above output but
if you prefix all the numbers with . then it's happy. Of course it
would be good to have a version of TH that also undertands these
nested test number properly, the . thing just lets you keep backward

So this solves the present problem and it also solves the problem of
it being a pain to have a plan when you have data driven testing
(#tests = #data x #tests per datum and other adjustments and don't
forget those data that get an extra test etc etc). You can also put a
group of tests into a subroutine and just plan for 1 test for each
time the sub is called.

Anyway, I hereby suggest it again but this time without an
implementation. The last time, the biggest part of the implementation
was rewiring Test::Builder to use a blessed ref rather than lexical
variables for it's object attributes but now TB is like that by
default, the rest shouldn't be too hard :)


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