> Well it depends on what your actually studying...
> 1. You have written the code to implement a network bridge, and you want
> to test
> i. the codes correctness
> ii. its ability to handle packets correctly for various
> configurations and load
> 2. You have a network bridge, and you want to study how best to
> configure it for various network and load scenarios.

I am more in the mode 1 and 2 may become something that is wanted/needed in
the future.

> For 1.i, normal unit testing should suffice, it all depends on the
> implementation languages (and its commonly available libraries) support
> for that kind of thing

I guess I should have stated that I'm looking more for functional/acceptance

> For ii, you could try setting up multiple virtual hosts, using any of
> the current tools for this (vmware allows you to create whole virtual
> networks just for this kind of thing, user mode linux etc)

I actually have the resources of a lab with the true hardware and software
that is needed so I'm not too concerned about emulating an environment at
the moment.

My thoughts right now are more on the actual automation of sending flows of
data and checking to see if that data is being stopped or limited.  I have
done a little looking around at modules that do network communication and am
not seeing any that give the ability to ask for the current kb/s or the
like.  I'm guessing I would need to calculate an average kb/s after the

Hopefully the above gives a better picture of what I am trying to achieve
and the type of advise I'm looking for.


David Steinbrunner 

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