Dear Beau Cox,

I can't make explicit sense of

you need to keep
> the original Parrot source tree around, and let Pugs find one of
> src/{null,parrot,install}_config.o for embedding to happen.

Could you give a concrete example of sub-directory placement or environment settings that makes Pugs aware of Parrot's presence?


Peter Schwenn

[p.s. I have successfully built pugs-6.2.11 with Ghc-4.11 w/ hs-plugins support, and parrot-0.4.1 (with built source tree) both under FedoraC4 linux, but Pugs does not see Parrot when I try, e.g., pugs -Bparrot <src.p6> (or -BPIR ...). Same thing under Cygwin]

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