
On Monday 20 February 2006 04:20, Adam Kennedy wrote:
> (Andreas J. Koenig) wrote:
> >>>>>> On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 22:22:20 +1100, Adam Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>>>> said:
> >   >
> >   > 1.  Broken or corrupt packaging.
> >   >     A bad tarball, MANIFEST files missing.
> >
> > Make sure you verify that all files in the distro are readable.
> > Reject if the permissions are bogus. Recently we had an increasig
> > number of distros that had absurd permissions.
> That's a 1.
> > Also there is the rule that it must unpack into a single top level
> > directory and must not clobber the working directory.
> That's a 2.
> > Besides that, we reject distros that contain a blib/ directory. This
> > seems arbitrary usually just catches a trivial error that might cause
> > grief later.
> That one's more interesting... the packaging itself is ok, and
> technically it's a valid "perl5", "perl5.make" or ""
> package, but it has failed something more like a compulsory consistency
> check...
> So maybe 3. Package failed compulsory quality check

Can you do warnings as well?

Warn if any of these is missing:



If the SIGNATURE is there, but fails to check, then reject outright.

Best wishes,


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