Hi all,

Recently, we've been closing in on making all the modules in the bleadperl
tested.  That's a great achievement.  We do, however, have a ways to 
go to completely earn the money.

As the fine print takes away(*), the modules must be reasonably tested
as judged by the then bleadperl pumpking Jarkko.  Whether this
responsibility on to Rafael is somewhat uncertain.  So, my guess is that
test coverage needs to be improved in several modules to accomplish
this task.  I don't have stats on pure-Perl modules at the moment, but 
XS-based modules in desparate need of additional testing:

    B (pick one, any one)

Any help that anyone can be provided would be great.  Also, if you look
into a module and you can't figure out how you'd ever test parts of it,
please let everyone know.  This helps to make the case that reasonable
testing has been completed.

Remeber you are helping a good cause by getting and extra $500 to the
Perl Foundation, but you're also helping to tear Schwern away from
Worlds of Warcraft for a few minutes to write the check.

Thanks in advance,

Steve Peters


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