Hello Matisse,

        I like these two ideas:

Matisse Enzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   2) Put the CPAN .tar.gz files in a local CPAN repository and use
>      CPAN::Site to install - that way we *only* get the versions in
>      our local CPAN repository and dependencies are managed by the
>      module Makefile.PL / Build.PL scripts.
>   3) Put the .tar.gz files in our source-code control system, and checkout
>      and build each one during a release process.

        #3 seems like the lowest maintenence. Maintaining on a .tar.gz in CVS
seems easier than integrating diffs of the newest version whenever you want
to upgrade.

        #2 has it's benefits too - you could even mirror all of CPAN, and
just maintain a script with "install" commands to install the versions you

        install "KWILLIAMS/Module-Build-0.27_04.tar.gz";

        etc. That makes both upgrading easy and makes your build process
independant from the availablity of your favourite CPAN mirror.


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