On Mar 5, 2006, at 1:46 PM, Nicholas Clark wrote:

On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 11:27:05AM -0800, Allison Randal wrote:

Should the network opcodes even be loaded as standard? C<socket> et al aren't actually that useful on Perl 5 without all the constants in the Socket module, so in practical terms a redesigned Perl 5 would do better to remove all the
socket specific keywords and make them functions exported by the Socket
module. Should parrot go the same way?

A pasm include, such as the signal.pasm(even though signals don't work yet), would suffice and is generated at compile time. Parsing .h files with anything but a c preprocessor would cause problems. Writing PMC's is almost a given, and the PMC's could even provide convenience methods that would do common things(like open a socket to foo.com:80). If it/they extend ParrotIO, the possibility of buffered networking would be possible(although I doubt many would want it on by default). But for all the defines, a pasm include would be needed.

Should the IO system provide symbolic lookup on AF_* and PF_* constants. IIRC at least one of these groups is OS dependant, as demonstrated by Solaris and SunOS differed on the values they used. It would be "useful" if this
lookup could be flagged to happen in some way at bytecode load time.

With the pasm include method, the problem is they're mainly just preprocessing. There's currently no way for the include to put a flag in the resulting bytecode, unless platform specific pasm includes include some code that'll do something like that(most likely requiring a new opcode, 'pbcplatform "darwin"' for instance), and whenever the pasm file is included, it gets ran, and when the pbc is saved that state can be stored in a pbc header. Sounds really complicated and troublesome.

(Or maybe I want the moon on a stick alone with a "JIT this lazy constant"
routine. Which probably does generalise, if functions can be marked as
"cacheable" and the JIT can see a cacheable function taking only constants,
and hence constant fold it)

Nicholas Clark

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