On Mar 6, 2006, at 4:10 AM, Nik Clayton wrote:

Matisse Enzer wrote:
Currently we are evaluating these options:
  1) Maintain a list of the .tar.gz files and install from CPAN,
     for example M/MA/MATISSE/Text-TagTemplate-1.8.tar.gz
  2) Put the CPAN .tar.gz files in a local CPAN repository and use
     CPAN::Site to install - that way we *only* get the versions in
     our local CPAN repository and dependencies are managed by the
     module Makefile.PL / Build.PL scripts.
3) Put the .tar.gz files in our source-code control system, and checkout
     and build each one during a release process.
4) Build these modules on one machine and check the *built* files into out version control system (including *.so files - all our machines are Solaris boxen)
What do other folks think?

None of the above.

At Citigroup I do the following.

1. Import any Perl module that we need in to our Subversion repository.

2. Wrap our build system around it. The build system builds it, installs it in to a 'fake' install directory, and generates a SysV package file. Commit the build system files to the repository.

3.  Tag the package in the repository.

4. Our operations group use an automated tool that checks the modules out of the repo, and generates the SysV package. Then they deploy the package.


* The build process is completely repeatable. We're a big financial institution, so that's incredibly important.

* Each module is its own package, so they install in to a path with a version number in it somewhere. So you can deploy multiple versions of the same module (App1 tested with Foo::Bar 1.1, App2 tested with Foo::Bar 2.0 can run on the same machine).

* The build infrastructure captures, in a concise fashion, any changes or oddities that had to be made to get the module to build.


* You have to chase down dependencies yourself. Installing a module with 6 dependencies means you've got to package a total of 7 modules.

* paths-with-version-numbers-in-them means you need to add C< use lib > lines in many modules, introducing (small) local changes.


It sounds like you are doing a more advanced version of #4 in my list. I like the way you are using SysV packages - that should speed up installation, no compiling, etc.

At the moment I think we are going to go with my #2 - create a local CPAN repository inside our SVN repository, in order to get the benefit of dependency unraveling. We'll use Module::Build in our local code, so our developers can assert any dependencies they want and the build system will take care of installing the modules (if they are in our "blessed" list, in our local CPAN.)

We also want repeatability, and so each release is a "fake" install directory, with a unique id - based on the SVN version and the date, something like:
a "release" will include an entire code-base - local and CPAN modules, everything except Perl, and the core Perl modules installed in the system directories (/usr/lib/* etc.)

Each release gets installed as a subdirectory of a "versions/" directory local to the team whose code is being released (multiple teams share a box) - then there will be a symlink pointing to the current release. Rolling back to a prior release is a simple matter of changing the symlink, or at worst, checking out and rebuilding from a prior SVN version:
   /home/team-A/installed -> ./versions/release-20060305-3276/
We'll offer to build modes: "normal" and "from scratch" - in a "normal" build the build system will copy the last release and use it when checking dependencies, so if Module::Foo 1.0 was already installed it won't build it again. The new release gets built "on top" of the old one - that will leave obsolete files around though, so a "from scratch" build will start with nothing and build all modules. This is where storing the installed images in SVN would help (e.g. SysV packages.)


* If one of our local modules depends on Module::Foo version 1.0 and another depends on Module::Foo version 1.2 AND 1.2 is not backward compatible then we'll have a problem - in practice this is very rare, but it is a small concern.

* If we need to make changes to a public module to get it to build we need to deal with that somehow, probably by putting it in a different part of our local CPAN - under a different author id perhaps?

Matisse Enzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://www.matisse.net/  - http://www.eigenstate.net/

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