On Sun, Mar 05, 2006 at 07:11:59PM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:

>   =item *
>   C<stat> retrieves information about a file on the filesystem. It takes a
>   string filename or an integer argument of a UNIX file descriptor, and an
>   integer flag for the type of information requested. It returns an
>   integer containing the requested information.  The following constants
>   are defined for the type of information requested (see
>   F<runtime/parrot/include/stat.pasm>):
> To me it seems that stat should also be able to take a PMC representing an
> open parrot file handle. I assume that systems exist where we'll be
> layering Parrot IO onto underlying OS IO, where the OS uses tokens other
> than integers for its files. For example pointers, if miniparrot is built
> by layering Parrot IO onto C's stdio.

Actually, I was wondering if that three way distinction is appropriate to
quite a few of the IO operations - string is filename, PMC is opaque
filehandle object, integer is UNIX file descriptor (and therefore not
portable to all platforms)

Nicholas Clark

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