# New Ticket Created by  Will Coleda 
# Please include the string:  [perl #38733]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=38733 >

In an effort to get APL working, I first have to be able to read an  
APL program into memory, which means unicode operators.

As I'm modifying ponie, I end up with something like:

.sub _slurp_file
     .param string filename
     .local pmc filehandle
     filehandle = open filename, "<"
     push filehandle, 'utf8'
     unless filehandle goto err_no_file
     $S1 = read filehandle, 65535
     close filehandle
     $I99 = charset $S1
     $S99 = charsetname $I99
     print "source is "
     print $S1
     print "\n"
     print "charset of source is: "
     print $S99
     print "\n"
     .return ($S1)

This compiles, prints out what looks like the right source code  
(which at the moment is neither punie nor APL: "print 2²10;")

But the charset that's listed is ascii. I need to be able to read in  
the utf8 encoded file and have it recognized as such by parrot.

It would also be helpful to have badly-specified IO filters generate  
an exception. (utf8 doesn't appear to since it's supported for  
*output*. using "monkeys" as the filter generates the slightly more  
helpful: 'Layer not found').

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