I just found http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Strict,
which was written by one of my co-workers.  Among
other cool things, it has a C<syntax_ok> function
which does the same thing.  It still uses backticks
and redirection which may not be too portable, but it
will suit my needs.  Still, a C<compile_ok> function
seems like a sensible addition to the Test::More
package.  Thanks for the feedback everyone.


--- Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>> I've long intended to take t/test.pl from the
> Perl core  distribution
> >>> and wrap
> >>> up at least its runperl() in a Test:: module. 
> Perhaps that would 
> >>> work for
> >>> you?
> >>
> >>
> >> compile_ok() ?
> >>
> >> --Geoff
> >>
> > 
> > It is unclear from Geoff's message above whether
> he is asserting that 
> > function exists, or if he is merely proposing it
> yeah, sorry, it's been a long couple of days...
> I was suggesting the functionality be added to
> Test::More as compile_ok(),
> rather than runperl() in some separate CPAN module,
> as it seems to closely
> parallel use_ok() for modules and would be rather
> useful on a larger scale.
> fwiw
> --Geoff

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