On Mar 3, 2006, at 15:54, Joshua Isom wrote:

Concerning all the byte/character issues, all the string opcodes except bytelength work with characters. But the io subsystem currently only deals with bytes. I know there is the speed issue for things like reading with dealing with utf8, but something like 'peek' should probably be able to get the full character. Also, what's supposed to be the default encoding for all data read in from a stream where a layer's not added that explicitly states so? Ascii, binary?

These we'll put off until we get to the Character Set PDD (as yet unnumbered).

I don't think it's really been addressed, at least not recently, but what about IPv6? By the time perl6 becomes commonplace and used often(and thus, parrot), IPv6 will be common enough that problems could occur. Currently it's not speced or stated, aside from a comment in PIO_sockaddr_in.


One more thing, what about specing directory handling? Nothing is speced yet for it.



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