On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 11:27:15AM +0100 Fergal Daly wrote:
> That's why I said you prefix with a ".".
> This has the effect of making it not a number as far as TAP is
> concernted, instead it becomes part of the name.
> Of course it would be better to allow "."s in the number, that way you
> can check that they are increasing properly and allows you to have
> sub-plans (so each fork/thread/block can have it's own plan) rather
> than just having 1 single overall plan for the whole thing. Having 1
> overall plan means that if one fork skips a test and the other does an
> extra test you won't notice.
> Given that x.x.x.x currently causes an error for TAP, changing the
> protocol to allow it would not break anything.

But you see, it does make a change in (or an addition to) the protocol
necessary afterall since it currently doesn't work as you said yourself.

No matter what you do, you either have to change Test::Harness or the
module generating the TAP output. Or even both as in your case. I think
any conceivable solution will have its ugly points. It's now a matter of
finding a simple and robust approach and put it in. 

use bigint;

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