On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Randy W. Sims wrote:
> Note that the entries in install_path must have the same name as 
> supplied to add_build_element() (not with the '_files' appendage).

OK - thanks again, that is my problem... the naming of the entries...

I was too dense to appreciate your note about the first element of the
blib subdirectory having to match the new build element type.

I actually found this by going through the Module::Build::Base source code 
and found that   install_map()   was looking

I've re-written your example, using   some_new_type  to
possibly make this more clear to slow folks like myself.

use strict;
use warnings;

my $installation_dir = '/some/special/path';

use Module::Build;
my $builder = Module::Build->new(
     module_name  => 'Foo',
     license      => 'perl',
     some_new_type_files => {
         'dir/in/distro/httpd.conf' => 'some_new_type/httpd.conf',
         # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
         # location in distriibution    location in blib

     install_path => {
         'some_new_type' => $installation_dir,

$builder->add_build_element( 'some_new_type' );


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