Oops, didn't reply to all...

A-T is nothing if not flexible.

That the _option_ to trade off speed for flexibility isn't as easy as I
personally would like it to be, rather than that it doesn't address any
given known scenario.

really, I don't know what you're saying, but it sounds vaguely like saying
A-T isn't suited to some particular set of needs, when the issue may be that
you just don't know how to use it appropriately.

That's the "flexible" point.

I have to do some things differently with A-T.

With every other CPAN module I can use prove, but I can't with A-T.

With every other CPAN module I use a standard Makefile.PL, but with A-T I have to use it's different version.

It's not so much flexibility at the small scale, but at the larger one.

What if I did want to test apache 1 and 2 in the same testing run?

If the A-T Makefile.PL just worked as a sort of plugin or attachment to a normal one, then maybe I could have one for each.

Then in the test scripts that needed apache 1, they'd use the apache 1, and the ones that needed 2 would use 2.

There'd be no need for skipping, because you could intermix both of them.

A-T requires me to do things differently, and it's that difference that introduces the lack of flexibility.

Please don't take that as strong criticism, because to be honest after going to your tutorial I'm both amazed and impressed that you make the things work at all.

So 4 stars out of 5 for pulling off what I'd think of as a nearly impossible task.

But you lose that last star in my book because in order to do it, you impose rules that don't exist for other modules.

It would be nice to see a refactored version that took it that final step to not only implement the crazyness, but also do it in a way that is apparently no different to any other module...

Adam K

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