Luke Closs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Sat, Apr 01, 2006 at 04:04:42PM -0800, Jeffrey Thalhammer wrote:
> What makes pairing good is the increased attention to code as it
> comes out.  The pair discusses the implementation, which not only
> finds lots of simple bugs very early, it also:
>  - transfers knowledge extremely fast
>  - focuses on solving the problem at hand in the simplest way possible
>  - encourages code refactoring and other good practices
>  - builds discipline and respect in the team


The test are as worthy as the resulting code, so the healthy effects
of Pair programming should also be exploited for them. So feel free to
combine TDD with Pair Programming, but don't divide the pair.

Steffen Schwigon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dresden Perl Mongers <>

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