"Ruud H.G. van Tol" schreef:
> Juerd:
>> autrijus:

>>> -    &foo    .($arg1, $arg2);
>>> +    &foo.   ($arg1, $arg2);
>> [...]
>> Please reconsider.
> Yes, please come up with a different character to
> bridge/cross/hide/cloak/skip/zap the succeeding "not allowed"
> whitespace.
> Maybe the "\", making "\<whitespace>" mean "s:s/\s+//".

Rather an inline "s/[\]\s+//" source filter (for code).

    $foo\    .bar(...)\    .baz(...)\    .quux(...)

It will often look like a continuation character:


and should be able to eat to the left too:

    $foo      \
    .bar(...) \
    .baz(...) \

The "#" is an alternative, and promotes multiline outlining, if you make
it mean:
remove everything after it until the end of the line, and itself with
all whitespace in front of it, and all whitespace from the end of the
current line up to the first \S (or EOF).

    $foo      #
    .bar(...) #
    .baz(...) #


Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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