On 4/10/06 8:38 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
> Even better is:
>     =begin UNUSED
>     sub foo
>     {
>       if foo { }
>     }
>     =end UNUSED
> And I don't really care if that's not what people are used to.
> The whole point of Perl 6 is to change How Things Work.

Do you care that it's harder to visually pick out the commented-out portions
of a file at a glance using that syntax?  I really don't want to give up
s/^/#/ commenting.  Double ##s seem like overkill to me.  Then I have to use
triple ### for the "thicker" parts in my little ASCII art comment header

### Blah blah

## Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
## Ut et magna. Sed feugiat sollicitudin purus. Duis eget sem
## faucibus nibh dapibus sollicitudin. Sed egestas, nisl quis
## pharetra lacinia, libero urna tempus enim, non varius pede

sub foo
  ## bar();
  ## my $baz = blee();
  ## $baz--;

  return 123;

No sir, I don't like it.


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