
I found this when I was playing w/ pugs.

pugs> { $^x }.(42)
pugs> { my $z; $^x }.(42)
*** Undeclared variable: "$^x"
    at <interactive> line 1, column 10-14

So far as I see s06, there's nothing wrong w/ the statement above. I just want to make sure this is not a perl6 feature.

I found this when I tried

{ my %n; { %n{ $^n } ||= ($^n <= 2 ?? 1 !! &?BLOCK($^n-1) + &? BLOCK($^n-2)) }.($^n) }.(42)

This fails on pugs while

-> $n { my %n; { %n{ $^n } ||= ($^n <= 2 ?? 1 !! &?BLOCK($^n-1) + &?BLOCK($^n-2)) }.($n) }.(42)

beautifully returns 267914296.

Dan the Yet Another Pugs Addict

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