Follows a quick proposal. Please give me comments (specially the English, that I know is bad!!)

Alberto Simões wrote:

This Google Summer of Code proposal was an idea we had when Leopold visited Braga this month to talk about Parrot. He had a talk with a teacher here in the university which teach compilers, and is working on a toy language named LISS (Language of Integers, Sets and Sequences).

The proposal was to create a compiler to this language. You can check the grammar (well, it might change a little but is mainly the one there) and examples at

Why it might be interesting: have one more language targeted to Parrot, have some interaction between the Universities world and the Parrot world, and others. I hope Leo comment this mail with his thoughts when he had the idea.

Now, why am I sending this email?

1) I never proposed anything for SoC at all, and I don't know if this is a task big enough;
2) I do not know if there is really interest on doing this
3) I do not know who to propose as mentor (I offer myself in case of necessity)

And probably more that will appear soon :)

Please, comment... gently :)

Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho
                 Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal

  Alberto Simões


  P-LISS - A Parrot targeted LISS Compiler

  To implement a compiler of LISS (Language of Integers, Sets and
  Sequences) targeted to the Parrot Vitual Machine

Benefits to the Perl Community
  - connecting parrot to the academic world
  - Parrot testing
  - development of a language to teach programming

  A LISS Compiler with tests, full documentation of the language and 
  its grammar. A set of examples and probably a tutorial.

Project Details
  LISS is a language developed by the group of specification and
  language processing of the Universidade do Minho in Braga, Portugal.
  It is intended to be simple to teach students how to program.

  LISS grammar already exists and an interpreter will be probably
  built meanwhile. The idea is to create a compiler for LISS, written
  in any portable language (we would like to make it usable in all
  three main platforms -- Windows, Mac OS and Linux) targeting LISS
  into Parrot.

Project Schedule

  This project should be completed in two or three months (depending
  on the evolution of Parrot and the knowledge of the programmer).

  Milestones include: create a parser, write tests, generate code,
  write documentation.


  I am a PhD student at Universidade do Minho, member of the group who
  developed LISS, but not directly related to it. Meanwhile, I've been
  a contributor to Parrot, and thus, I am in the middle of the two world.
  Also, I have easy contact with the creators of LISS and Leopold Toetch
  who, I think, would help me mentoring the student in case of need.

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